Posts filed under ‘Accidental Meetings’

A new beginning

My new set up allows me to easily photograph and blog my artwork, so a new blog was needed.

I’ve begun keeping an illustrated art journal again after a period of time when I didn’t journal much at all except online, and even then, the entries were more fluff then anything else. This new round of journaling came about after talking for a bit with a customer at work about art journals — she was looking in our store for the right watercolor paper to bind her own journal and wasn’t having much luck. While she wandered the store (as many people do, for we have LOTS of fun things), she told me about her own experiances in journaling and those she admired. I told her I got started because of Danny Gregory, and she told me about Teesha Moore. As most of us keep our journals behind the counter, I wrote down the info. Before leaving, the customer told me I’d love the site.

And I did. Her artwork was inspiring, and the page she wrote on her process spoke to me. Finally, I had an instruction book to modify and follow to help me create.

So that’s what I’ve done. I’m reading “The Artist’s Way,” an amazing book that’s already started to change my life and I’m not even finished with it, yet!

And now, off to create before work.

October 16, 2006 at 1:03 pm 1 comment